Friday, August 21, 2009

coming out.


this is gonna be harder than I thought. I want to get down to around I've got quite a ways to go. this is honestly embarrassing.

and all day today temptation stared me in the face. especially the homemade chocolate cupcakes with homemade peanut butter icing sitting in the office. But I didn't give in.

then after work I went shopping (at Piggly Wiggly..what the heck? don't ask) for some healthy foods. Yogurt, sugar-free pudding, Lean Cuisines, Kashi, soups. Stuff like that. and water. lots and lots of water.

Now I'm waiting on my FIL (aka father-in-law) to get home with some turkey burgers because piggly wiggly totally doesn't carry them (why did I go there again?) and I'm really craving them.

my mother had to go on a diabetic diet. she went to the doctor and found out she's like a point away from having diabetes..sooo having her encouragement, knowing she's going through the same thing will help. I swear, that woman always has something wrong with her.

thought about trying Alli, but after hearing there's a good chance that I will have no control over my bowels, no thanks.

that is all.

PS-sorry about not posting yesterday (my bad, Candice!) but spending some quality time with the husband after work was worth missing a post in my book :-)

1 comment:

Candice said...

If you're doing it with your MIL, it will be a LOT easier for you!

I think you're definitely in the right direction. Don't forget to do that thing I keep trying to talk to you into--it saved me in college and I hope it helps you too! :-)

You can do this, I promise.