Wednesday, August 19, 2009

my attempt at blogging.

so here is my attempt at blogging! I haven't kept up with this poor thing, and it deserves better. I've really just hated my blog and I'm not gonna lie, I still do. The only thing I don't dislike is my header (I owe you Candice!) Isn't it cute? So I've decided to give a go at keeping it up, so here is my first post in a while..hopefully one of many this week.

I have a really bad habit of reading blogs, and never wanting to write in my own. No, seriously. I can sit all day and read and read, and never have a desire to update you on my own life. Just the other day I read the entirety of nienie's blog, from beginning to end. It was amazing. And if you don't know who she is, check the sidebar. She's fantastic and we all have a thing or two to learn from her. If I had been through all she had, I'm not sure I could possess such optimism. But the again if I had been through all she had, how could I not believe even more strongly in what I believe?

It opened my eyes, and for days now all I can sit and think about is who I am. And who I want to be. I've got a lot of changin' to do, for the good of course. I will still be me, just a better version. There's so many things I have to learn. I'm super lazy.

Now I'm off to fix the blog up some more.

1 comment:

Candice said...

Glad to see you blogging again, Mrs. Andrews! I hope the header is enough to keep you motivated to write. The new blog looks GREAT, if I do say so myself :-)